中、韓的領海爭議「蘇岩礁」(韓國人搶領土、領海的作法真是夠了!) 蘇岩礁,(北緯32°07′22.63〃,東經125°10′56.81〃)是東中國海上的一個礁石,中國官方譯名為Suyan Islet[7],原認為其附近還有虎皮礁和鴨礁,但有論文表示經測量後發現其並不存在。[8] 蘇岩礁附近還有丁岩礁 。目前中華人民共和國、大韓民國對該島有爭議,大韓民國稱 離於島(??? Ieodo)或波浪島(??? Parangdo)。大韓民國從1995年起在此興築建物,自2002年起,在此又投資212億韓元(約兩億人民幣)擴建了高76米的建物,包括燈塔、直昇機停機坪、小型港口。目前有8名常駐 長灘島人員維持設施。中國認為蘇岩並非島嶼,由於位於東海大陸架上,因此應該屬於中國的專屬經濟區 。該礁在低潮時仍處在水面以下,離海面最淺處達4.6米。該地位於公海水域,位於東海大陸架,屬於中國、大韓民國, 日本三國專屬經濟區的重疊區,距中國領海基線海礁132海裡,距大韓民國濟州島西南82海裡,距日本沖繩縣硫磺鳥島 151海裡。歷史 中國古籍《山海經‧大荒東經卷十四》[1] [9]當中有記載,“東海之外,………,大荒之中,有山名曰猗天蘇山。”有人認為此即蘇岩。但是由 個人信貸於山海經本身的神話 性質,此說並未得到普遍認可。大韓民國聲稱此處稱為「離於島」或「波浪島」(Parangdo),是因其早期傳說中,濟州島居民以韓國漁民在附近海上喪生,此處有彼等之游魂,而名之。大韓民國 政府聲稱,此類傳說乃指其先民見到此礁者即凶多吉少,故此處為韓民之活動區域。韓方連結神話與現實的說法,也尚無獲得任何證據可證實。1880年 -1890年據稱蘇岩已經列在北洋水師的海路圖中。[來源請求] 1900年該礁石被英國商船索科特拉號(SOCOTRA)發現,並以其船名命名。[2] 1910年英 設計裝潢國商船「海中女巫號」(Waterwitch)測得蘇岩距離水面5.4公尺。 1938年日本計劃在該礁石建立鋼筋水泥研究站,但因二戰爆發而未能落實。[3] 1944年12月25日,美國軍艦冰魚號(USS Icefish)對蘇岩地區進行了戰時勘查,記錄中以當時通用名SOCOTRA ROCK稱之。[4] 1949年中華人民共和國成立。由於中國內戰仍在進行,東海舟山群島附近仍由中華民國海軍巡弋。但其舟山守軍與海上武裝是否具體確認蘇岩位置,未能得知。50年代東海艦隊對蘇岩進行了勘察。 1951年據稱韓國登山組織與水上武裝曾至此拋下一銅製品, 租房子刻有「離於島:大韓民國領土」文字。[10]這是來自「韓國海洋研究發展中心」的材料。 1952年韓國政府提出「李承晚線」(李承晚係南韓首任總統),將獨島與蘇岩(離於島)劃入韓國海域。此一主張無任何外國承認。 1963年5月1日中國首條自行製造的萬噸輪躍進號自青島港外錨地啟航,在首航日本的門司和名古屋西港途中,儘管海圖中標明航線中有蘇岩礁區三塊礁石,但由於計算錯誤仍然在蘇岩地區觸礁,當時誤以為是受魚雷攻擊,險些成為國際事件,在周恩來領導下進行了仔細的調查,證明是在蘇岩觸礁。[5]在調查過程中,上海河道工程局 個人信貸測量船隊赴現場調查躍進號事故原因,在蘇岩礁東南1.5海裡處測得沉船,證明“躍進”號為觸礁沉沒。[6] 1970年韓國國會通過「水下資源開發法」,將蘇岩(離於島)劃入其「第四水下開發區」(Fourth Mining Field)。[7] 1982年聯合國第三次海洋法會議(The Third UN Conference on Law of the Sea)決議島嶼認定原則。海洋法公約第121條第一項規定,島嶼需為自然形成之海上陸地,必須於滿潮時仍浮出水面(above water at high tide)。該條第三項規定,無人或無法維持人類經濟生活的礁石(rocks)不得用以主張經濟海域或大陸架。該條約現有160國簽署,其?租屋網中什瞗B韓國皆已批准。 1984年,韓國濟洲大學確認該岩礁的位置。[8] 1987年,韓國在其上設立了航海浮標。[9] 1995年,韓國在此建起了一座高35米、面積達1200多平方米的水面建築,將它作為一個海洋科學基地。中國認為該礁石傳統上為中國管轄,並主張該礁石並非島嶼,不能用作劃分海洋邊界的依據。[來源請求](等待補充1995年中國抗議之報導) 2001年1月26日,韓國地理院(Korea Institute of Geology)為拓展海洋專屬經濟區,將蘇岩命名為離於島Ieodo.爭議檢討 目前中國的主張是立足於該蘇岩處於中方大陸架,以及200浬專屬經濟海域。韓國的主張是「離於島 九份民宿」立足於濟州島的較近距離、專[經濟海域和「先佔原則」。海洋法公約規定,兩國若有重疊之經濟海域,應以協商解決。蘇岩既然不是水上島嶼而是水下礁岩,應不宜適用國際法的無主地(terra nullius)先佔原則實施管轄。則問題焦點不應是「領土」而是經濟海域。韓方片面在重疊的經濟海域搶佔,中方曾多次抗議。目前中國方面希望採用與南中國海 鄰國多次召開的「南海會議」取得的「擱置爭議、共同開發」範例對韓交涉,但韓國沿用對日本獨島(竹島)的「先佔」經驗,沒有回應。蘇岩與釣魚台爭議類似的地方在於,兩處都曾經經過日本依據條約而管轄[來源請求],戰前未有列強質疑,後日本因戰敗?裝潢茬鄍╮A於是原受日本侵略國家必須訴諸早於日本佔有前,在此處有國民活動的歷史紀錄,以主張領土和領海。由於中國在二戰 後陷入內戰,在日本戰敗後未能恢復在相關地區的活動,且較晚與爭議國建立外交關係,使爭議變得益加複雜。聯合國海洋法公約雖對「島嶼」做出了規定,但美國、朝鮮、泰國 等國仍不批准,使該公約效力仍不完整 (參閱圖五)。目前各國多半訴諸「先佔」以證明其「人居」或「經濟活動」之存在,有時也以軍事力量作為後盾,作為協商的籌碼。尋找歷史紀錄,往往僅是訴諸神話,沒有實際效果。韓國公認的最南端是馬羅島(126E,33N),立有“大韓民國最南端”石碑,這也是官方認可的說法 婚禮佈置。蘇岩位置(東經125°10′45〃、北緯32°7′42〃)較馬羅島 更南,儘管蘇岩並不是島嶼,但這也被認為是證明蘇岩歸屬的一個證據之一。參考文獻 ^ (中文) 山海經第十四章).於2006年9月19日查閱. ^ ([1])這是英文版朝鮮日報的材料。 ^ [2]這是來自「韓國海洋研究發展中心」的材料。 ^ ([3]) ^ (中文)1963年5月1日 中國第一艘遠洋貨輪“躍進號”在蘇岩沉沒 人民日報 ^ (中文)上海港志 ^ [4]這是來自「韓國海洋研究發展中心」的材料。 ^ [5]這是來自韓國搜尋引擎NAVAR的新聞資料。 ^ [6]這是來自「韓國海洋研究發展中心」的材料。http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E8%8B%8F%E5%B2%A9%E7% 烤肉食材A4%81  .

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          RELAX。紫色早餐 已歇業易主 從格友Stefanie家 知道這家紫色早餐還不錯喔 讓我想到此一吃 酒店兼職呢   今天不騎車 開車 就載 找房子姪女們來嚐嚐看 不一樣的早餐喔  噗噗的調味罐?住商房屋@超可愛 意俊如果看到一定會喜歡  我們點了三個套餐 公家吃  九份民宿 今天這篇用了很多照片合併 版面顯得乾淨簡潔多了  活力套餐 $129  法 房地產國吐司套餐 $139  馬鈴薯 是煎的嗎? 還是烤的??口感很不錯呢  RELAX 歐姆雷套 買屋餐 $149  二姪女 覺得很新鮮吧  上次都是騎著機車 只能載一個人前往 這次 終於帶上二姪女 三姪女了 太平洋房屋 每次都出現的可亞一號  偶爾不一樣的早餐 我也自己也吃得很高興呢  在苗栗的早餐 只有麥當勞比較合我的胃口 其它都是炒麵?婚禮顧問@糯米飯 或是美又美 雖然上次去了 不會再去的早餐店  但是來到紫色早餐 我覺得 第一次去的43號早餐  到目前為止 還是我最滿意的早餐喔 太平洋房屋 這家RELAX 我覺得還不錯 但是 不論店內裝潢 飲料 餐點 價格  還是43號早餐 略勝一籌呢  就是沒吃到脆薯的那一家啦 感覺我的早餐美食 每況愈下耶 賣屋   .

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  • Apr 16 Mon 2012 17:32
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          971006 惡戰半小時 勇鼠殺毒蛇南投縣 南投縣草屯消防分隊日前捕獲一尾約35公分 長的保育類毒蛇龜殼花,由於蛇籠不夠,遂將牠關在一只捕鼠籠,順便以鼠餵蛇,原本以為老鼠會成為蛇的腹中物,不料鼠蛇大戰半小時後,蛇竟慘死在老鼠的利齒下。 幼蛇難敵猛鼠 老鼠遇蛇絲毫不懼怕(左圖), 還不斷挑釁,蛇張口作勢攻擊老鼠(下左圖), 老鼠即左蹦右跳逃開,或大膽撲向前用利齒啃蝕蛇身,蛇被咬得全身傷痕累累,顯得筋疲力竭,老鼠再趁勢一口咬住蛇頭(下右圖),並用腳趾猛抓蛇頭,蛇最後張口斃命,老鼠則毫髮無傷。捕蛇高手消防小隊長藍森秋說,該蛇尚屬幼蛇,且可能在被捕獲時毒液就釋盡,所以難敵體力旺盛的老鼠攻擊。文.圖╱蔡惠光 龜殼花小檔案 學名:Trimeresurus mucrosquamatus外型:最大全長約150公分 ,頭呈銳三角食物:蛙、蜥蜴、鳥和鼠類習性:攻擊性強,有劇毒,能致人於死資料來源:農委會特有生物研究保育中心 http://1-apple.com.tw/index.cfm?Fuseaction=Article&Sec_ID=2&ShowDate=20081006&IssueID=20081006&art_id=31021197&NewsType=1&SubSec=68 火噬回收場台北縣 北縣淡水鎮1家佔地千坪的資源回收場昨晨9時許起火,黑煙直竄天際,警消立刻拉水線強力灌救?找房子]圖),火勢2小時後控制,所幸無人傷亡。負責人說,不知為何起火,損失難估算,起火原因將進一步釐清。文.圖╱謝昇璁 http://1-apple.com.tw/index.cfm?Fuseaction=Article&Sec_ID=2&IssueID=20081006&art_id=31021218&NewsType=1&SubSec=68&ShowDate=20081006 男摔溝底 搶救不治台北縣 台北縣1名擔任鐵工的男子吳金生(52歲)昨午被人發現卡在在板橋四川路和中央口的水溝內(右圖,箭頭處),警消到場將他救起並固定在長臂板(左圖),施以心肺復甦術與氧氣罩,吳男後腦有撕裂傷,送醫後仍宣告不治。警方勘查到吳男拖鞋整齊放欄杆旁,初步排除他殺,因他有飲酒習慣,將朝失足落水或自殺方向偵辦。文╱李俊淇.圖╱莊淇鈞 http://1-apple.com.tw/index.cfm?Fuseaction=Article&Sec_ID=2&IssueID=20081006&art_id=31021221&NewsType=1&SubSec=68&ShowDate=20081006 男車禍昏迷 引擎空轉燒車 林大經被消防隊員送抵醫院時滿臉是血,意識不清。王智勇攝 【王智勇╱台南報導】台南縣六甲鄉昨凌晨發生小貨車與轎車車禍,小貨車駕駛因頭撞上擋風玻璃而昏厥,但腳卡住油門,最後引擎空轉太久造成火燒車,幸好 酒店兼職附近居民被轟隆作響的引擎聲吵醒,即時將受困車內的駕駛救出,逃過一劫。 不過,麻豆警方對傷者林大經(三十一歲)進行酒測,發現酒測值達零點四六毫克(標準值零點二五),研判他可能酒後無法正確判斷路況肇事,將待林男出院後再送辦。 滿臉血住院觀察 警方調查,昨凌晨二時許,林男酒後開車行經六甲鄉南一六五縣道、烏山頭交流道附近時,撞上一輛由左側巷口衝出轎車,林男因額頭撞上前方擋風玻璃而昏厥,但腳剛好踩住油門,而排擋則打在空擋,使得小貨車引擎空轉,不斷發出轟隆聲響。附近住戶睡夢中被引擎聲驚醒,原本想要開罵而下樓察看,後來才發現林男還在車內昏迷不醒,且小貨車下方的引擎已冒出火花,趕緊向台南縣消防局報案,並先將滿臉是血的林男拉出車外,消防人員趕抵現場後將林男送醫,幸僅額頭有長 二十公分 傷口,無生命危險,住院觀察中。 http://1-apple.com.tw/index.cfm?Fuseaction=Article&Sec_ID=2&IssueID=20081006&art_id=31022141&NewsType=1&SubSec=6&ShowDate=20081006 駕車墜山谷 警手機求救 警消在大湖巷發現墜谷受傷的警員,趕緊將他包紮送醫。林建鋒攝 【林建鋒、蕭夙眉╱台中報導】台中 G2000縣一名警員前晚下班返家,駕車行經大坑山區時不慎墜谷,他自行從車爬出來,打電話向家人求救,但他也不清楚自己墜落地點,家人立即報警求救,警方根據他的手機訊號定位,搜救兩個多小時終於找到他送醫,所幸他傷勢不重。 以訊號定位尋人 中縣警局保安隊長涂崑山表示,警員林耀章(四十六歲)前晚駕車經大坑山區、欲返潭子住處,可能因山路狹窄昏暗,人車翻落山谷,林負傷爬出車外,打電話給女兒求救。 昨凌晨一時許,警方接獲林家報案,警方依據林的手機訊號位置,確認人在大坑東山路二段、廣興橋附近,三十餘名警義消沿途搜救。 警方以手機聯繫林男,他表示受傷無法移動,也不知身在何處,警方決定鳴放警報器讓他能確認救援人員和自己的位置。約兩個小時後,警方在大湖巷山林深處一處民宅旁,發現倒臥在地的林男,救護人員立即將他包紮後送醫,幸無大礙。 http://1-apple.com.tw/index.cfm?Fuseaction=Article&Sec_ID=2&IssueID=20081006&art_id=31022111&NewsType=1&SubSec=6&ShowDate=20081006 越妻為離婚 害情夫丟官 親密照交丈夫 消防小隊長免職 2008年10月06日蘋果日報 【許逸民╱澎湖報導】澎湖縣消防局已婚消防小隊長李明和,疑與越南 室內裝潢籍人妻有性關係,越妻最近為了離婚,將兩人在床上裸身調情的手機畫面交給丈夫,丈夫前天持照片向消防局投訴,消防局考績委員會昨緊急開會,決議將李記兩大過免職。李明和昨接受《蘋果》電話採訪時,否認兩人發生性關係,強調是女方向他借錢無力償還,才陪他出遊抵債,質疑消防局的處分太重,「拼到死都要申訴。」澎湖縣消防局長洪永澎則說,這是考績委員一致決定,大家都很痛苦,但兩人「恩愛」畫面事證俱在,李若不服,可提出行政訴訟。澎湖縣消防局調查,桶盤消防分隊小隊長李明和,去年五月任職虎井分隊時,與虎井嶼男子翁祥軒(三十六歲)的越南籍妻子(二十六歲)有性關係,翁男並指控李陪同其妻到馬公市的婦產科診所墮胎,今年二月還協助他妻子搭機到台灣,拋下兩名嗷嗷待哺的女兒。 自稱被索和解金 當時翁男提不出證據,消防隊今年二月先將李明和調往桶盤消防分隊。最近,翁男與越南籍妻子達成協議,越妻將與李明和以手機自拍恩愛畫面交給丈夫,做為拿回自己護照及身分證的交換條件,翁男取得妻子外遇證據,前天交給消防局處理。據消防局人員透露,李明和在畫面全身赤裸與只著胸罩的越籍人妻躺在床上,還拿她的內褲挑逗調情。但李明和昨受訪時稱,自拍畫面,只是他打赤 售屋網膊與女方的嬉鬧畫面,有穿褲子,並表示因翁男向他索討五十萬元和解金不成,女生又為取得身分證件才犧牲他。李明和也否認帶越女墮胎及協助離家出走,並痛批消防局對自己人出手太重,強調要申訴到底。記者昨撥打翁祥軒的手機,但沒有開機,無法得知他對處分的意見。 夫騙得外遇證據示意圖 越南籍女子為離婚,拿出用手機拍下與情夫的恩愛畫面交給丈夫。 http://1-apple.com.tw/index.cfm?Fuseaction=Article&Sec_ID=2&ShowDate=20081006&IssueID=20081006&art_id=31022049&NewsType=1&SubSec=6 找人妻伴遊 澎湖消防局小隊長免職 越籍新娘老公指控 〔記者劉禹慶/澎湖報導〕澎湖縣政府消防局前虎井小隊長李明和,被當地翁姓漁民檢舉指控與其越籍新娘有染,同時還因而懷孕前往馬公某婦產科墮胎,昨日消防局召開考績委員會,李記二大過免職;李聞訊後大聲喊冤,並表示將申訴到底,維護個人工作權益。 懷孕墮胎?出遊被拍 消防局昨日罕見發出聲明稿指出,虎井里翁姓漁民在今年2月25日 首次檢舉,只表示李姓小隊長與其妻經常私下聊天,並於當日協助其妻至機場購票離開澎湖,而翁姓漁民所要求的是希望李能提出說明,解釋為何協助其妻離開澎湖疑竇?同時翁更表示他深信其妻與李?建築設計ㄦ|有不正常關係發生,隻字未提有關墮胎及長期不正常關係等問題。 李明和質疑仙人跳 由於無具體事證可資佐證李涉及不法情事,但為避免再有類似事件發生,因此消防局翌日就將李調地服務,並於3月6日 局務會報中,宣導所屬同仁不得發生不正當男女關係,如有涉及者將依相關規定議處,以正視聽;10月1日翁某再度提出投訴,4日並送交光碟片等證物,因此消防局立即成立調查小組徹查,並於昨日迅速召開考績委員會,將李處以二大過免職處分。 針對消防局給予記兩大過免職處分,李昨日也表示,翁提出的光碟並無任何床上畫面,只是兩人攜手遊玩的畫面,坦承有付錢請越籍新娘伴遊,並未發生不正常關係,卻遭到免職處分太過嚴苛,將申訴到底,同時李也懷疑翁涉嫌以辦理身分證為手段,要脅其妻作偽證,並提出50萬元遮羞費要求,疑似仙人跳手段,認為案情並不單純。 http://www.libertytimes.com.tw/2008/new/oct/6/today-so6.htm 艷照寄老公 越妻逼離反害情夫 【聯合報╱記者肇瑩如/澎湖縣報導】 澎湖縣消防局李姓小隊長與越南籍已婚黎姓女子發生婚外情,黎女將兩人自拍的親熱畫面寄給翁姓丈夫,翁火冒三丈向消防局檢舉,李否認外遇,但消防局根據影像認為李姓小隊長「太過火」,昨決議記二大過免 房屋買賣職。 黎女五年前嫁給打魚維生的翁姓男子,育有兩女。翁指控說,李姓小隊長去年五月調任馬公市離島虎井小隊長,不久就傳 和他 太太有曖昧,他原本不相信,今年三月間,太太帶小女兒搬去彰化,說要找工作。上月底,他突然接到太太來信,裡面附了與李明和出遊照片,前天又收到太太寄來手機記憶卡,裡面錄了五段與李的親熱畫面。 翁姓漁民說,他原來還想挽回婚姻,但看到記憶卡畫面中,太太與李竟當著兩歲小女兒的面摟抱親吻,他氣得大罵太太:「妳還是不是人?」他問太太為什麼要承認外遇還把「證物」寄來。太太竟回答「他答應我要 和 太太離婚,陪我回越南,但他太太不願離婚」。 太太還說,去年曾懷李姓小隊長的小孩墮胎,他才了 解 太太種種作為,都是為逼他提出妨害家庭告訴,迫使 李和 太太離婚,他忍不住責問太太「妳的心怎麼這麼狠?」 翁姓漁民說,他曾兩度向消防局檢舉,消防局都以「無具體事證」僅將李調地,直到前天他提供親熱錄影畫面,消防局才把李調非主管職。 消防局長洪永澎說,消防局是「有多少證據就辦多少」,絕無拖延,翁姓漁民起先只提供黎女坐在李大腿上的照片,沒有通姦證據,只能先將李調地,看了錄影後,認為李涉及不正常男女關係行為失檢,所以移送考紀會,決議記兩大過免職。 辦公室出租 李姓小隊長無法連絡,但他在督察製作筆錄時,堅持沒有外遇,指影帶內容是基於照顧妹妹情誼而「伴遊」。 【2008/10/06 聯合報】 http://udn.com/NEWS/SOCIETY/SOC3/4546644.shtml <惡水捲人車> 橫渡大甲溪 1失蹤1獲救 空勤隊人員從直升機上吊掛垂降,在怒濤上方確認黃志豪沒有卡在車下。(記者謝鳳秋翻攝) 自行脫困游上岸的徐大洲,受傷躺在醫院裡仍掛心女兒男友落水失蹤。(記者謝鳳秋攝) 失蹤者黃志豪的家屬,在現場燒香祈禱,場面顯得感傷哀戚。(記者張瑞楨攝) 在強勁的溪水衝擊下,落水四輪傳動車的車體嚴重扭曲變形。(記者張瑞楨攝) 空中勤務總隊直昇機在洶湧溪水上盤旋,努力搜尋失蹤者。(記者張瑞楨翻攝) 〔記者謝鳳秋、張瑞楨/中縣報導〕滾滾大甲溪捲人車的恐怖畫面又重現! 台中縣民徐大洲昨天駕越野吉普車,竟與女兒男友黃志豪企圖橫渡大甲溪河道,卻在洶湧溪水中翻車,徐某受傷獲救,黃志豪卻失蹤,親友在溪畔焚香祈禱,但搜尋至昨深夜仍無所獲。 調查顯示,昨天早上8時許,東勢鎮民徐大洲(39歲)駕駛越野吉普車,載著女兒、太太,其女兒的男友黃志豪(25歲,南投縣人)則駕駛另一輛吉普車,從新社鄉慶西村大排(地名)進入大甲溪,他們宣稱要溯溪釣魚, 酒店打工其中,徐某妻女待在溪畔,徐大洲開車載黃某渡溪到另一端釣魚。 在東勢農民醫院接受左腳2趾截肢手術的徐大洲,手術前意識清楚地回憶說,他們穿越河道時,車子突然重心不穩翻入洪流中,他馬上從車裡爬出來,也把黃某拉出來,在游回岸上的時候,還有看到黃某,上岸後卻看不到人影了。落水的吉普車車體則被怒濤攪成一堆廢鐵。 在溪畔的女兒,遲遲不見男友人影,又見其父左腳第4、5趾被壓斷流血,於上午8時30分左右,打手機向台中縣消防局新社消防分隊報案。 溪水十分湍急,消防局第二大隊出動60餘名隊員及義消等人沿溪搜索,還設置觀察攔截點,同時空中勤務總隊直升機與救難員陸空聯合搜尋,直升機與特搜員甚至吊掛或垂降怒濤上,確認黃某沒有卡在洪流裡的車下,家屬則在岸邊哭喊,盼能出現奇蹟。 徐大洲送醫途中不斷跟消防員說:「拜託,黃志豪不會游泳,趕快想辦法救他。」 對於颱風過後才一星期水勢未退,釣客貿然溯溪,甚至疑有民眾違法撿漂流木的冒險行為,部分救難人員私下猛搖頭。 案發地的大甲溪下游,上月才發生后豐大橋斷落6人墜溪意外,至今仍有4人失蹤,至於這起意外,中縣消防局長曾進財表示,溪水湍急,落水者可能已被沖往下游或卡在石塊裡,搜救員會持續搜尋 http://www.libertytimes.com.tw/2008/new/oct/6/today-so5.htm 酒店工作  .

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          中山休閒農業區 彩繪牛受歡迎 決再作18頭 宜蘭縣中山休閒農業區展現創意,去年底製作12座 酒店經紀彩繪水泥牛,成為社區新 設計裝潢地標。因為遊客的反應熱烈,決定再作 酒店經紀18隻,在綠色博覽會期間彩繪,開放民眾票選。 中山休閒?設計裝潢A業區發展協會迎接牛年,與區內業者合作,打造12隻彩繪水牛,在山中傳奇 賣屋、鵝山茶園、三富農場、馨山茶園、碧綠茶園、詩聰茶園、新世紀茶園、明星茶園、中山休?術後面膜ⅠA業區入口、旅遊服務中心、社區活動中心前,都可以看到活潑可愛的彩繪水牛迎賓。 這次台灣燈會在宜蘭舉行?買屋A參展的三清宮也向休閒農業區借了6隻各重達500公斤的水泥牛,吊到宜蘭運動公園,搭配花燈共同展出,與燈火相互輝映。 農業區?情趣用品D委徐文良表示,彩繪水泥牛作出成果後,區內有多家觀光業者很有興趣,也想在自家門口擺上一隻,吸引遊客目光,農業區決定繼續推動,計畫再打造 酒店打工18隻。 他指出,計畫比照原有的12隻,在綠博期間現場舉辦彩繪水牛比賽,並開放遊客票選,等回到中山休閒農業區後,再辦一次綠美化比賽,讓水泥牛融入社區。 酒店打工  .

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          宜蘭旅遊~梅花湖二日遊 梅花湖兩日遊 宜蘭縣冬山鄉-梅花湖!湖面風光優美,空氣新鮮、充滿人情味 買房子,附近又有很多豐富的景點。 房屋買賣是個週休二日遊玩的好去處!第一天 出發-前往宜蘭梅花 面膜湖-旺樹農場(diy鍬形蟲彩繪、立體果凍沙雕、認識香草、漆彈..、養生 保濕面膜餐)-梅花湖(騎腳踏車遊湖)-金湖號花生糖(爽口不黏牙,春捲皮加冰淇淋包花生糖更是 借貸宜蘭第一家創始店)-童話村農場(桑椹餐)-得安奇木藝品(檜木產品)-夜宿幸福盒子 第二天 早餐-幸福盒子 賣屋騎腳踏車倘佯鄉村氣息-天然湧泉(梅花湖社區的天然湧泉,可戲水)-石頭文化館-湖畔人家(用餐、下午茶)-快樂歸賦旺樹 關鍵字廣告農場 03-9613222 宜蘭縣冬山鄉得安村環湖路62號 金湖號花生糖 03-9511316 宜蘭縣冬山鄉得安村大埤路30號 童話村農場 03-9613385 宜蘭縣 西裝外套冬山鄉廣興村梅花路300號 得安奇木藝品 03-9510556 宜蘭縣冬山鄉廣興村梅花路869號 幸福盒子 03-9510805 宜蘭縣冬山鄉大埤二路216號 湖畔人家 酒店經紀03-9610819 宜蘭縣冬山鄉大埤二路250號 .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 新成屋  .

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          蘭雨節摩天輪 後天起邀你來看海 2008宜蘭國際蘭雨節即將登場,其中頭城海洋文化園區像座遊 酒店兼職樂場,最受注目的,就 術後面膜是高約28公尺的摩天輪,目前組裝接近完成, 酒店經紀預計後天下午啟用,每次搭乘費用為80元,不少人已決定搶頭香?辦公室出租A近距離體驗太平洋壯闊之美。 約10層樓高 後天啟用 縣政府工商旅遊處表示, 酒店兼職宜蘭國際蘭雨節3大園區中,頭城園區唯一免收門票,裡面有海洋市集、歡樂城(摩天輪、海盜 酒店工作船等7項遊樂設施)、極速樂園(親子車、碰碰車)、搶孤主題區、海堤塗鴉區、沙灘排球區、衝浪活動區等,就像1 辦公室出租座大遊樂場。 可俯瞰太平洋及龜山島 縣府還向中部某遊樂區租用摩天輪,替蘭雨節增加話題,號稱全縣首見,摩天輪相當10層樓高,矗立 花蓮民宿在烏石港中央,除了可以俯瞰整個港區,連太平洋和龜山島美景都一覽無遺,將設置20個車廂,每個車廂限搭6人,繞1圈約10分鐘,萬一遇上颱風或 新成屋風力過大,車廂可隨時取下。 工旅處表示,摩天輪每次搭乘費用80元,其他設施價格大約50至80元間,採分項收費,還計畫結合賞鯨行程推出套票。 轉載自(自由時報 設計裝潢)  .

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          十二星座女生無法抗拒什麼樣的男人? 白羊座白羊女生無法抗拒那種趕衝趕撞,有課性又有自己主張得男生,但因為自己個性 信用卡代償也很衝所以常常起衝突。金牛座金牛女生對於那種溫文?開幕活動孜恕S能帶來生活安全感的男生最無法抗拒,不過卻很容易被外表給騙了。雙子 澎湖民宿座雙子女生喜歡頭腦靈活的男生,遇到很愛哈拉又聰明的男人時她就底擋不住了,不過這種?買房子R情火花總是維持不了多久。巨蟹座巨蟹女生不重視外表,卻很重視對方的內在,有時後容易被才子型的男生?買屋l引,但最後巨蟹女生才領悟到,居家男人才是適合她的。獅子座獅子座女生無法抵抗那種具有征服他人能力的男性,表面上獅?酒店兼職l女生可能會和他有所衝突,心理卻很想接近對方。處女座浪漫的愛情還是可以依偎一輩子的對象?常常讓處女座的內心矛盾,許多處女座長因 租辦公室為這樣猶豫而讓對方落跑了。天秤座除了外在條件要不錯,也要有內涵,天秤座女生很常電人,卻很少被人電到,除非樣樣條件都齊全否則天秤座不會昏頭的唷。天蠍?東森房屋y天蠍座女生對於有特殊魅力的人無法抗拒,這種神秘的吸引力,老實說很可能和性愛有關呢!射手座射手女生對於活潑樂觀的男生比較沒有抵抗力,因為她自己也是同樣的人當?房屋二胎M是物以類聚。山羊座山羊女生常常被成熟的男人吸引,對方就算大她個十歲山羊女生也不會太在乎。水瓶座水瓶女生聰明伶俐,他們的眼光也相當獨到,特別容易喜歡上有才氣卻又不拘小節的人。雙魚座 賣屋  .

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          中華民國一貫道臺灣省分會彰化縣支會於開化佛院 舉行第七屆第四次會員代表大會 中華民國一貫道臺灣省分會彰化縣支會於開化佛院 舉行第七屆第四次會員代表大會 中華民國一貫道臺灣省分會彰化縣支會,於民國一○○年七月十七日(星期日)上午八點半,假開化佛院舉行第七屆第四次會員代表大會,參與的貴賓有中華民國一貫道總會李玉柱理事長、彰化市市長邱建富、彰化縣民政處處長邱士平、彰化縣政府社會行政科涂敏麟課長、林滄喜議員、社會處謝秀琴處長,以及彰化縣一貫道會員代表一 術後面膜百餘人與會。 大會於八點半準時開始,首先首先恭請一貫道彰化縣支會陳英卿理事長致詞,陳理事長指出:此次會員大會,本來要在天倫新建道場舉行,因為天倫道場尚未落成,所以預定明年會在該大道場舉行。一貫道會員每年繳交500元,功德無量,這是一貫道會員互持,讓整個會務能夠運作,讓世界清平,社會和諧,感恩會員代表們的互持。透過一貫道總會,大家齊心協力推功動會務,感謝長官們的互持,透過天人合,一起把大道傳布至世界各地,把天堂搬到人間來,歡迎第五台 個人信貸電視台前來採訪,希望未來借用媒體的力量,讓上天降下來的福音,找到我們的本性,讓大道傳佈至世界各地,讓更多的人,變成活菩薩的化身,最後敬祝大會圓滿成功。接著恭請彰化縣民政處處長邱士平致詞,邱處長指出:很榮幸參加一貫道第七屆第四次會員代表大會,一貫道自從成立總會、分會以來,道務辦得非常成功,一貫道彰化縣支會對於淨化人心、義診、掃街活動、禮儀師培訓、聖歌聯誼、書法比賽、道務觀摩、電腦學習‥‥等活動,都舉辦的非常圓滿成功。今年10月份國慶煙火、運動會, G2000明年臺灣燈會,將在彰化縣舉行,到時候盛況可期,最後敬祝大會圓滿成功,道務蒸蒸日上。接著恭請林滄喜議員致詞,林議員指出:大家好!一貫道做很多的善事,為社會付出,世界只要有人的地方,就有一貫道的發展與足跡,敬祝大會圓滿成功。接著恭請數位電視台蔡執行長致詞,蔡執行長指出:有聚會才有機會,我求道17年,在寶光道場求道,卡道卡隨時帶在身上,佛教大愛、基督教、混元禪師都有電視台,但是一貫道到目前還沒有電視台,希望運用第五台電視,透過平台,把客廳當做道場,結合道場的活動, 濾桶非常希望將一貫道的真理,傳佈出去,讓更多的人能夠求道,是最大的願望,最後敬祝大會圓滿成功。接著恭請社會行政科科長涂敏群致詞,陳科長指出:有關社會福利問題,能夠找本人幫忙,一貫道舉辦彰化縣讀經會考、淨化人心活動,非常成功,希望未來再接再勵,讓人心更純正,讓社會更祥和,最後敬祝大會圓滿成功。 接著恭請中華民國一貫道總會李玉柱理事長,做專題演講,主題是一貫道國際現況與發展,後學將重點筆記如下: 一、  皇天開恩,正宗鐘毓於東土,祖師鴻慈,正派在振於巴郡: 1、承先聖知正法 seo,起還鄉之覺路。 2、斯文在茲的肯認,天命在躬的擔當。 3、彌勒祖師的應運,道運普傳的圓成。 二、從1945~1950,從大陸來台灣開荒的道場: ˙上海---基礎壇、寶光壇、金光壇。 ˙天津---文化壇、天祥壇、乾一壇、天真總壇、浩然壇。 ˙江蘇南京---忠恕壇。 ˙遼寧安東---敦厚壇。 ˙浙江寧波---明光壇。 ˙江蘇常州---博德壇。 ˙安徽六合江---慧光壇。 ˙四川成都---中庸壇。 ˙黑龍江哈爾濱---興毅壇。 三、一貫到全球傳到八十多國: 亞洲:日本、韓國、菲律賓、香港、澳門、新加坡、馬來西亞、泰國、越南、柬埔寨 買房子、印尼、緬甸、寮國、斯里蘭卡、印度、尼泊爾、東帝汶、孟加拉、烏克蘭、蒙古、俄羅斯、大陸、汶萊、科威特 。 大洋洲:澳洲、紐西蘭、索羅門群島。 非洲:南非、賴索托、史瓦濟蘭、中非、賴比米亞、模里西斯、伊索比亞。 中美洲:墨西哥、多明尼加、哥斯大黎加、貝里斯、薩爾瓦多、宏都拉斯、瓜地馬拉、尼加拉瓜、哥斯大黎加,巴拿馬。 北美洲:美國、加拿大。 南美洲:厄瓜多爾、委內瑞拉、玻利維亞、巴西、阿根廷、巴拉圭、烏拉圭、 秘魯、智利。 歐洲:英國、法國、荷蘭、瑞士、德國、義大利、西班牙、比利時、芬 蘭、捷克 婚禮顧問、葡萄牙、匈牙利、瑞典、北愛爾蘭、斯洛伐克、保加利 亞 。(以上是西元2000年的紀錄)。 四、各國總會: 1、中華民國一貫道總會(1988)。 2、柬埔寨總會(1995)。 3、一貫道世界總會(美國洛杉磯)(1996)。 4、泰國總會(2000)。 5、馬來西亞一貫道總會(2001)。 6、印尼總會(2000)。 7、日本總會(2006)。 8、澳洲總會(2007)。 9、美國總會(2006)。 10、英國總會(2007)。 11、奧地利總會(2007)。 12、南非總會(2010)。 13、巴西總會(2011)。 14、巴拉圭總會(2010)。 15、紐西蘭總會(2011)。 16菲律賓總會(籌組中)。 五、正法薪傳,永續弘揚 關鍵字排名,傳到全球,處處道場: 1、道傳世界的弘願實踐。 2、克己復禮與天下歸仁。 3、新興的宗教→新興的宗教世界→永遠的世界宗教 4、1歲與2500歲的對話。 5、一顆蘋果裡到底含有幾粒種子?可以算得出。 6、一粒蘋果種子可生出多少頻果?實難以計量。 7、小孩與老爸的對話。 8、(2)→ → → → → →... (600年後近35億)。9、天理不可常隱,良心不可常昧。 10、反者道之動,弱者道之用。 11、合抱之木,生於毫末;千里之行,始於足下。 六、兩岸有關一貫道: 1、文化交流事項簡錄。 2、承志工致˙各位前賢。 3、聖躬康泰˙平安吉祥。 4、福慧增長˙道務弘展。 一貫 土地買賣道將於8月18日,前往南非成立一貫道總會,8月25日前往巴西,成立巴西一貫道總會,到時候總會的副理事長、祕書長都是當地的原住民,是黑人,不但吃素,家裏還開設佛堂,這是一貫道渡化眾生尊貴與殊勝的地方。目前一貫道已經傳佈到世界80多個國家,臺灣一貫道道親吃素人口大概有400多萬人,寶光建德道場中壢黃壇主,修道已經是五代同堂,全家吃素人員有93人,非常難得,雖然一貫道早期道親,經過政府種種的考驗與打壓,但是道親從來沒有怨恨後悔,這是非常難能可貴的,最後敬祝大家道務鴻展,聖凡如意,身體健康。 該次會員大會,於中午十二點,全部圓滿閉幕,大夥兒在用完素餐以後,在一片法喜聲中,賦歸 小額信貸。  .

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          撣邦人權月報 SHRF MONTHLY REPORT - AUGUST 2008 SHRF MONTHLY REPORT - AUGUST 2008 COMMENTARYForced Labour For a military regime who regards the people under their control as slave labour, it is ‘normal’ for their troops to force people to do one thing or another for them, in the name of the state, all the time without any consideration for the well being of the people, as has long been the case with the Burmese military juntas’ troops in Shan State for decades. However, the cruelty and the callousness with which they have been treating the people might not have been as clear to the international community, although there were numerous reports by NGOs and human rights groups, until the recent treatment of the victims of cyclone Nargis in the Irrawaddy delta in lower Burma by the Burmese regime. They not only prevented the suffering people from receiving appropriate help from the international community, but forced them to provide free labour in many activities, including setting up of military checkpoints and ‘showcase’ refugee camps or relief centres, etc., that were supposed to be provided by the State. These were done to the people while they were still suffering deeply from the devastating effect of the killer cyclone, and while the international community were watching closely. Therefore, it is not hard to visualize how the troops of a regime of this sort would have been treating the people of Shan State, especially the rural communities, who they regard as being no more than a pool of slave labour. ---------------------------------------------- VILLAGERS FORCED TO SERVE AS PORTERS, KEEP WATCH, BUILD FENCES, WAIT AT CAMP, IN KAE-SEE In February 2008, 5 villagers of Naa Paang village in Wan Paang village tract, Kae-See township, were forced to serve as unpaid guides and porters by a patrol of SPDC troops from IB131 for 6 whole days and 5 nights. On 6 February 2008, a 酒店兼職 patrol of about 50 SPDC troops from IB131, led by commander Aung Sein, came and surrounded Naa Paang village at about 5 o’clock early in the morning and forcibly made 5 villagers to go with them. The 5 villagers were:1. Lung Thun (m), aged 492. Lung Awng (m), aged 533. Lung Long (m), aged 554. Lung Zaam (m), aged 485. Lung Aw (m), aged 52 The SPDC troops said they needed some guides to extensively search the area of Wan Paang village tract and forced the villagers to lead them to many places they wanted to go, stopping only at night. The villagers were released after patrolling the area for 6 days and 5 nights, during which they not only had to serve as guides but were also forced by the SPDC troops to carry their things and food stuff every day along the way. Since February 2008, villagers of Luk Lur village in Nawng Ae village tract, Kae-See township, were forced by SPDC troops from IB286 to keep watch and report to them any unusual incidents on a daily basis. To fulfill the task, 2 villagers had to stay at the village headman’s house and keep watch every day. Villagers were required to work in rotation and any one who missed his turn would have to pay a fine of 3,000 kyat. However, the SPDC troops told the village headman that if villagers only paid the fine and did not keep watch, his village would be held responsible if they were to be attacked by the Shan soldiers in the village area on such day. For several weeks in early 2008, villagers of Murng Naang village in Murng Naang village tract, Kae-See township, were forced to build fences by SPDC troops of IB287 around their base at Murng Naang village. The fences had to be built on all 4 sides around the base, of which each side was between 900 and 1,000 yards long, and had to be not only one layer but 3 layers of fences with some spaces between them. The villagers were also required to gather wo 九份民宿od and bamboo in the jungle and transport them to the military base, using their own means of transport, i.e., mini-tractors and ox-carts, and providing their own fuel and food. The SPDC troops of IB287 have also been requiring villagers of Murng Naang to wait on standby at their base on a daily basis up to the present. Every day, 5 villagers have to be at the military base on standby to run errands or serve as guides and porters, or, when there are not such things, do other menial work such as clearing grass in the base compound and in trenches around the base, etc..VILLAGERS FORCED TO CLEAR GROUND FOR PHYSIC NUT PLANTATION, BUILD FENCES AND CLEAN TRENCHES, IN NAM-ZARNG For more than 2 months, from March to May 2008, villagers of several village tracts in Nam-Zarng township were forced by SPDC troops of LIB516 to work for the military in preparing ground for physic nut plantation, building fences around a military camp and clearing trenches around the camp. Starting from around mid March 2008, every day around 60 to 80 villagers from Kaad Lur, Wan Pung and Nawng Hee village tracts had to go and work for the SPDC troops of LIB516 at their base and at a place designated for physic nut plantation. At the military base, the villagers were required to build fences around the base and were made to gather all the wood and bamboo needed for building the fences on their own. The villagers also had to clear all the trenches and ditches around the base. At the place for physic nut plantation, the villagers were required to clear hundreds of acres of forest land, cutting down all the trees and digging out their roots and preparing the ground until it was ready for planting physic nut. It took more than 2 months of hard work for the villagers to complete the task, using their own tools and providing their own food. Although the villagers were required to travel to the military base an 租辦公室d the physic nut plantation to provide their free labour on a daily basis, they were not provided with any means of transport by the military. They had to use their own mini-tractors and provide their own fuels in transporting workers to the work places, as well as transporting wood and bamboo for building fences.PEOPLE FORCED TO FIX ROADS, PLANT AND LOOK AFTER TREES, IN LAI-KHA For several months in early 2008, people in Lai-Kha town were forced by the SPDC troops of IB64 to renovate all the roads in the town by spreading sand on them. On every Saturday and Sunday, 3 mini-tractors from one of the town quarters were required to carry sand from the Nam Taeng river into Lai-Kha town and 70 people from the same quarter had to work spreading it on the roads and streets in the town. All the town quarters had to take turns and work on Saturday and Sunday in rotation until all the roads and streets in the town were covered with sand, which had taken several weeks to complete, during which the townspeople had to use their own tools and provide their own food and fuel for their tractors. Also in early 2008, people in Lai-Kha township who lived along the main roads that joined with other townships were required to plant trees on the sides of the main raods. Each household was required to plant 20 trees, 10 mango trees and 10 jackfruit trees. The tree saplings were provided by the SPDC authorities, but the villagers were required to plant them at specified places on the sides of the roads and look after them until they were properly grown. If for some reasons a plant was ruined or destroyed, the villager who planted it was obliged to find a new sapling and replace it.ROUTINE FORCED LABOUR OF VILLAGERS IN LAI-KHA Since 2-3 years ago up to the present, SPDC troops from IB64 and LIB515 have been routinely using forced labour of the villagers of Wan Paang and Nawng Kaa villages in Wan Saang village tract, 室內裝潢Lai-Kha township. Since setting up their outpost camps 2-3 years ago in Wan Saang village tract, which were built by forced labour of the local villagers, SPDC troops of IB54 and LIB515 have continued to routinely use forced labour of the villagers. Virtually every day, about 35 to 40 villagers from Wan Paang and Nawng Kaa villages were required to go and work for the military in one or another of the many types of forced labour, which could be roughly divided as follows:1) Waiting at the military camps on standby to run errands or serve as guides and porters;2) Building and fixing fences, of which building materials had to be provided by the villagers, clearing trenches and doing other menial work;3) Clearing the sides of the roads and fixing the ruined parts of the roads between villages;4) Using their own mini-tractors and transporting military logistics, water, firewood and even sand to the military camps;5) looking after physic nut and other crop plantations. Working in rotation, in which 1 person per household had to go each time, each household was required to go at least 6 times per month, and each time was at least one whole day or sometimes more.PEOPLE FORCED TO GROW GARLIC, BUILD FENCES AND WORK AT MILITARY CAMP, IN MURNG-PAN During late 2007 and early 2008, villagers in Ho Phaai Long village tract in Murng-Pan township were forced by SPDC troops of LIB332 to grow garlic for the military, and fix fences, clear trenches and the military compound of grass and bushes. In December 2007 and January 2008, villagers of Ho Phaai Long village tract were required to cultivate 30 acres of garlic for the military. Although the seedlings were provided by the SPDC troops, the villagers were required to grow them in their own rice fields. At the same time the villagers were forced to fix fences around the military base using their own tools and building materials, and clear trenches and the base compound of grass 賣屋and bushes. They were also required to tend the existing physic nut plantations regularly. It took almost 2 whole months of hard work for the villagers to finish growing garlic and fixing fences, etc.. However, they were still required to look after the garlic and harvest them for the military when the time was due 2-3 months later.PEOPLE FORCED TO BEAUTIFY THEIR HOUSES, BUILD DAM, IN MURNG-TON In early 2008, villagers in Mae Ken village tract in Murng-Ton township were required to build fences in accordance with the given model and dig ditches in front of their houses by the SPDC troops of LIB519. In February 2008, SPDC troops of LIB519 issued an order requiring villagers in Mae Ken village who lived near the main roads to rebuild their fences facing the roads in accordance with the model specified by the commander of the Triangle Regional Command based in Kaeng-Tung. The fences needed to be built with sawed hardwood lumber pickets, each piece of which was to be 2 inches wide (thick) and 2 yards long (high). All the fences were to be painted white with lime, which would be provided by the Regional Command from Kaeng-Tung, so that they all looked the same and beautiful on the sides of the main roads, said the order. A month or so later, however, after many villagers had already replaced their fences according to the requirements but left them unpainted because the lime that was supposed to be provided by the Regional Command had yet to materialized, the commander of LIB519 issued new orders. He told the villagers not to wait for the lime from the Regional Command but to buy it themselves and paint their fences as soon as possible. He also told the villagers to dig ditches, 1-1/2 feet wide and deep, along the front of their houses. So that they could take cover when there were ‘problems’, he said. For several months, from January to April-May 2008, villagers of Pung Pa Khem village in Pung Pa Khem sub-township, Murng-Ton 買屋township, were forced by SPDC troops of IB226 to provide free labour in a dam construction project at Nam Khem stream in Pung Pa Khem area. On 20 January 2008, the commander of IB226 issued an order requiring villagers of Pung Pa Khem to help build a dam that would be used in producing electricity. The dam would be built on Nam Khem stream about 5 miles west of Pung Pa Khem and would be supervised by 4-5 engineers said to have come from Kachin State. On a daily basis, 20 villagers from Pung Pa Khem had to go and work at the dam building site from morning to evening, splitting rocks, digging earth, clearing ground and mixing cement, etc.. They not only received nothing for their labour but were also required to bring their own food and drinking water with them. All the 5 residential quarters in Pung Pa Khem sub-town had to provide labourers in rotation, and those who could not for some reasons go on their turns were obliged to find others to replace them or pay a fine of 3,000 kyats.PEOPLE FORCED TO GATHER PHYSIC NUTS IN KUN-HING For several weeks, during March and April 2008, people of No. 3 quarter in Kun-Hing town, Kun-Hing township, were forced by SPDC troops of IB246 to collect dry physic nut seeds from the physic nut plantations under their supervision. About 80 people each day had to get ready, complete with their day meals and drinking water, at 6 o’clock in the morning, and go by military trucks to some of the many physic nut plantations to collect dry physic nut seeds. Each labourer had to gather the seeds in a sack until it was full and carry it on his/her shoulders back to the truck that was parked waiting at the main road, and go out again to collect another sack of the seeds. The labourers were released only after the trucks were fully loaded with physic nuts or when it had gone too late into the evening to continue working. Working in rotation, each household had to provide one worker every 2 days for the durati 信用卡代償on of the harvest and those who failed to show up on their turns were fined 15,000 kyat per person per time.VILLAGERS FORCED TO CULTIVATE TEA AND PHYSIC NUT IN MURNG-PAENG From late 2007 up to March-April 2008, for several months, villagers of Hawng Kaang and Wan Phit village tracts in Murng-Paeng township were forced by SPDC troops of IB43 to cultivate tea and physic nut for the military extensively. The villagers were required to first clear the jungles on the sides of a number of roads to prepare the ground for growing tea and physic nuts. Each plot of land had to be 50 yards wide and stretched along either or both sides of the road. Altogether the cultivated lands were more than 6 miles long. There were about 11 villages with over 600 households in the said 2 village tracts, and about 40-50 villagers had to go and work for the military on a daily basis. It took much more time than necessary to complete the work because the seedlings provided by the military were not sufficient and the villagers were forced to find more seedlings by themselves. The villagers were also required to continue to regularly look after the tea and the physic nut plants even after they had been planted, which had taken several months to complete. Furthermore, this duty was imposed upon the villagers without relieving any other previously existing forced labour duties.FARMERS FORCED TO CULTIVATE DRY SEASON RICE FOR MILITARY IN MURNG-NAI In early 2008, farmers in Kaeng Tawng area in Murng-Nai township were forced to cultivate dry season rice for the military in their own rice fields, causing them to have to start their own rainy season crop rather late. In February 2008, SPDC military authorities of No. 3 Regional Training School, based in Kaeng Tawng area, issued an order requiring farmers in Kaeng Tawng to cultivate 60 acres of dry season rice for them. The existing rice fields of about 15 local farmers that could be fed with irrigation water all year round were chose 房屋買賣n for the purpose. Mini-tractors of the local farmers were used to plough the fields on a daily basis until all the 60 acres were ready for planting. The numbers of mini-tractors forced to be provided by some local villages were as follows:1. Pa Saa village in Nawng Hee village tract had to provide 6 tractors2. Nam Tum Tai village in Nawng Hee village tract had to provide 6 tractors3. Waeng Kao village in Nawng Hee village tract had to provide 4 tractors4. Ton Hung village in Ton Hung village tract had to provide 10 tractors Villagers from the same 4 villages, who had not provided tractors for the ploughing, were then forced to take responsibility planting rice in the fields every day until it was completed. All the local farmers were also required to look after the rice fields until the time was due and harvested the rice for the military, before they could start cultivating their own rainy season rice crop. The farmers whose fields had been used for the dry season crop complained that they had to start their rainy season crop more than half a month later than usual and that would badly affect the yields of the coming harvest, because the military dry season crop started late and finished late.PEOPLE FORCED TO BUY SEEDLINGS AND GROW SESAME AND PHYSIC NUT FOR MILITARY IN KAENG-TUNG During late 2007 and early 2008, people in the whole township of Kaeng-Tung were forced by the SPDC authorities to buy seedlings of Japanese sesame and physic nut from the military and cultivate them for the military in their respective localities. Sometime near the end of 2007, a meeting of leaders of all the 10 village tracts in Kaeng-Tung township was held by the authorities at the SPDC township office in Kaeng-Tung town. At the meeting, the commander of the Golden Triangle Regional Command, Min Aung Hlaing, himself gave a speech to the leaders. “All the people”, he said, “have responsibility to help the country in any way they can, including economic development. Right now, what you peop 商務中心le can do to help the state economically is to grow physic nut and Japanese sesame. Therefore, I would like you to grow them at all the villages in the whole township”. It was decided that each village tract was to grow at least 2 baskets of physic nut seeds and 2 baskets of sesame seeds, and all the seeds were to be bought from the military authorities without fail at the following rates:1. Physic nut seeds = 45,000 kyat per basket2. Japanese sesame seeds = 25,000 kyat basket In addition to having to provide free forced labour, people also had to provide money for the seeds which they said they could get elsewhere at much lower prices. However, they were not allowed to find the seeds by themselves, but to buy them from the military.VILLAGERS FORCED TO FIND DRY PHYSIC NUT SEEDS FOR MILITARY TO PRODUCE OIL IN LAI-KHA Sometime at the end of 2007, villagers of Wan Saang and Haai Seng village tracts in Lai-Kha township were forced to provide dry physic nut seeds by SPDC authorities of LIB515 for them to produce oil. A meeting of village leaders from the said 2 village tracts was called by the authorities at the SPDC township office in Lai-Kha town and told to make their villagers collect dry physic nut seeds for the military to produce oil. Every one, aged between 18 and 60, in the 2 village tracts were required to collect 2-3 pyi of dry physic nut seeds and gather them at their respective village headmen’s houses within 20 days. The villagers were to collect the seeds from elsewhere rather than the state-run plantations because they had not yet produced any. Those who could not find enough seeds in the given time would have to pay a fine of 5,000 kyat, said the order. There were not less than 400 people in the required age group in the 2 village tracts, and many of them could not find enough seeds and had to pay the fine. Some of them who could not even afford to pay the fine had fled to the Thai border. http://www.shanland.org/humanrights/monthlyreport/2008/shrf-monthly-report-august-2008 房地產  .

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          從最「簡單」角度切入準沒錯! 我滿喜歡阿嘉莎克莉絲蒂的小說, 她的偵探,往往會指出一個道理,「事實的真相,往往是往最簡單的去想就對了!」 我完全認同這種說法。 過去聽過一個故事,當時文化大革命時,我們台灣有人向蔣介石彙報,當時的狀況, 只見當時的情治分析人員,在他面前,說這一派的主張什麼什麼路線! 另一派的人主張的是什麼什麼路線, 只見「偉大」總統蔣公生氣的大手一揮,「別說了,沒有什麼路線,就 保濕面膜是權力鬥爭而已!」 是啊!不愧是真的權利鬥爭出來的政治實踐者,一下就抓住重點,不會花時間去研究什麼路線、什麼屁主義! 政治這種東西,往往真的懂的人,是那些真的參與鬥爭的勝者才真的了解箇中三味, 那些什麼政治學教授、智庫分析家、媒體評論人、往往都是些蛋頭,盡是些書生之見。 連戰何許人啊!美國芝加哥大學政治學研究所博士! 宋楚瑜何許人啊!美國 好房網喬治城大學政治學哲學博士 ! 結果呢!被一個台大法律系畢業,沒有政治學學位的人一再打敗, 為什麼?政治學是「做中學!」 念政治學有個屁用,政治是鬥爭學習出來的,不是讀書讀得出來的! 蔣介石有個屁政治學學位,還不是把大家打的死死的! 他的死對頭毛澤東有個屁學位,唸過什麼屁政治學,實踐出來的人,把那些俄國派打得死死的! 蔣經國有個屁學位!懂什麼政治學?保濕面膜A鬥爭中得到的經驗知識,讓他才懂得怎麼治國平天下! 我從來就不耐凡聽那些什麼什麼研究所,所研究的政治現象、所作的政治分枍, 這些人幾乎都是堆蛋頭,連政治的本質搞不懂,研究了一輩子的政治,都是書裏的知識! 政治的本質是什麼?就是「權力鬥爭」! 什麼路線、什麼主義,都是取得權力的工具 ,政治玩的好的人,是鬥爭經驗豐富的人, 不是政治學學的好,政治書讀得好的人!看書看再 小型辦公室多,影片看得多,不下場實戰,怎麼也不可能成為運動高手, 政治家和體育家一樣,都是鍛練實戰出來的,不是研究看書出來的 最近李登輝去日本一趟,回來又有一大堆人在談他有什麼含意! 還有人說,這證明了他想求取歷史地位,證明了他一路就是個台獨分子! 白痴! 這麼簡單的事,要花這麼復雜的方法去解釋,要了解一個政治人物在幹什麼,首先,就是往「政治鬥爭」 去推!他的政治地位是不是受到挑戰了? 這樣 代償做,他有什麼政治利益? 從這個點去推,由最簡單的想法去想,才能了解這些政治人物的舉動有什麼目地。政治人物是不會輕舉妄動的! 就像是商人一樣,誰不為利,誰肯早起,你真相信每個商人對你笑容可掬時,沒有「利益」動機?政治人物的所有動作,就是有「權力」 動機!他們是不折不扣的「權力動物」 啊!所作所為都是為了「權力」的存在或延續,不然還有什麼? 李登輝沒事搞這些動作幹什麼? 現在誰對他的權力威脅最 濾桶大?他目前的權力來源是什麼?他是「台獨教主」「本土派老大」! 他面臨什麼權力困境?很快的,就有一個和他一樣的「前」 總統要下來了, 那個要下來的人,下來就老老實實的等人宰割嗎? 大家都認識那個人,那是不可能的,要保住那個人日後的地位, 他只有學李登輝七年前走的路,也成為一個「愛台灣」的老大,讓欺負他的人,就是「欺負」本土政權,「欺負」台灣人,他要這種氛圍才可以保護他, 他要成為台獨教主, 抓住一線的政治力量 房屋買賣,否則他就只能淪為任人宰割的地位! 誰現在擋了他的路? 就老「李」啊! 誰最可能讓老李從此就只是個「一般老人」? 小「陳」啊! 懂了嗎? 辛辛苦苦跑到日本,講那些話,氣中共,討日本右派的歡心, 討過去被日本統治,有著濃厚日本情結的老台灣人歡心,說那些話! 就是要搶佔台獨派的「民心」!你真以為他閒著沒事幹?有著浪漫的懷舊情結?他是搞政治的!別搞錯! 明年如果陳水扁沒法做怪成功,沒法繼續掌權,總統真要交出去了,他還能爭什麼?「台 租房子獨教父」「本土政權詮釋學的宗師」 就是李登輝這幾年在幹的! 也就是說,「台獨教父」爭奪戰要開打了! 幹什麼在日本罵陳水扁?告訴大家,我是「好」的、「不髒」的台獨教父;他不是! 這次日本行的目的何在?「權力鬥爭」! 還是政治人物的基本功, 日後的「台獨教父」爭奪戰的前哨戰! 這麼簡單的事,做什麼做這麼復雜的解釋, 「老李」和「小陳」的台獨教父爭奪戰要開打了! 什麼歷史地位、什麼使命感! 這兩個人沒這個! 全是投機派,現實的政治主義者,他們全是 買屋務實派才有今天的成就的,有什麼理想主義? 有,就不能混到現在了!混到今天的地位了! 去日本搞這搞那的幹什麼? 要「鬥爭」了!要和陳水扁搶「台獨」老大、「本土派」老大的鬥爭開始了!看政治人物的動機,從最簡單的「政治鬥爭」去看,準確性最高, 這些人都是鬥爭專家、權力生物,連這都搞不懂嗎?解釋得那麼多做什麼? 真是看政治的「功力」不夠!   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 裝潢  .

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